Reverse Osmosis Plant
Posted on Sep 8th, 2011
Hi Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
I have been asked to be the new administrator for the Sweet Lime Village Website.
Currrently, 22 of the owners are registered and have access to the website.
I am in the process of contacting those owners who are not registered to get
them "on the website".
The Reverse Osmosis Water Project commenced on August 29TH. The first phase of the project includes the trenching for the new distribution system to each individual
Unit. The Plant will be located in front of the existing Pump House (below the cistern). Trenching has begun from the old Well House to Unit #41 and uphill to Unit 33.
Anticipated completion of the Project is the end of October---weather permitting.
Further updates will be provided on the website under "Neighborhood News". In the meantime, please contact me if you wish to include any item of interest in the Website or if you have any suggestions to improve it. My email address is
Elena Leroux